Unveiling the Magic of Explainer Video Software: A Journey from Inspiration to Creation


In a world where attention spans are fleeting, explainer videos have become the go-to medium for businesses looking to convey their messages effectively. But for those of us with limited technical expertise, the question remains: Can making an animated video be as easy as some software claims? As a complete novice in animation, I decided to dive into the world of explainer video software, seeking to unravel the complexities and find a solution that resonates with non-professional designers

Inspiration Strikes:

Before embarking on my exploration, I sought inspiration from some standout explainer videos. Slack’s purely visual approach and Dissolve’s clever use of humor highlighted the diversity within the realm of explainer videos. It became clear that the keys to success were originality, humor, simplicity, and a keen understanding of the target audience.

Crafting an Engaging Explainer Video:

Armed with inspiration, the first crucial step was creating a compelling script. The structure typically involves showcasing a problem, envisioning an ideal world without the problem, and presenting how the tool/app/service can provide a solution.

The next challenge was securing a captivating voiceover. Recognizing the importance of a distinctive voice, I explored options on Fiverr.com and Voicebunny.com, finding affordable and specialized voiceover services that complemented the storytelling aspect.

Choosing the Right Explainer Video Software:

With a script and voiceover in hand, the next frontier was selecting the ideal explainer video software. A plethora of options beckoned, each claiming to be user-friendly and effective. As a non-professional designer, I was keen on finding a platform that strikes the right balance between simplicity and versatility.

Enter Visual Paradigm Online:

Amidst the multitude of options, Visual Paradigm Online‘s Animated Explainer emerged as a standout choice for non-professional designers. Here’s why:

  1. Powerful Character Maker: Visual Paradigm Online provides a robust Character Maker, empowering users to create personalized characters that add depth and relatability to their videos. For those like me, lacking design expertise, this feature proved invaluable in bringing my ideas to life.
  2. Extensive Range of Animation Effects: Boasting over 100 animation effects, Visual Paradigm Online allowed for seamless experimentation and perfection. The real-time preview feature ensured that even novices could create visually stunning animations.
  3. Abundance of Animated Props: The platform offers an extensive array of built-in animated props, injecting vibrancy and life into explainer videos. From moving cars to flying birds, these props provided dynamic elements that enhanced the storytelling experience.
  4. Diverse Background Selection: Visual Paradigm Online stood out with its diverse background choices, enabling users to create immersive environments tailored to their narratives. From professional settings to textured patterns, the platform catered to various storytelling needs.
  5. Versatile Templates for Every Need: A wide range of templates addressed various business requirements, making the video creation process accessible for non-professionals. Whether crafting professional presentations or engaging marketing videos, Visual Paradigm Online offered options for every need.
  6. Graphic Assets and Stock Photos: The platform’s extensive library of graphic assets, illustrations, vector graphics, and stock photos provided resources that elevated the visual impact of explainer videos, even for those without a design background.
  7. Native-Toned Narration Made Easy: Visual Paradigm Online streamlined the process of enhancing videos with narration through its intelligent text-to-speech feature. With a diverse array of speakers representing various nationalities, users could infuse depth and authenticity into their animations effortlessly.
  8. Edit and Collaborate with Cloud Workspace: Ensuring the security of videos and data on dedicated cloud servers, Visual Paradigm Online facilitated effortless collaboration. This cloud-based solution empowered users to edit animations at any time, from any location, fostering a seamless workflow and enhanced productivity.


In the quest to demystify explainer video software, Visual Paradigm Online’s Animated Explainer emerges as a beacon for non-professional designers. With a user-friendly interface, powerful features, and a commitment to versatility, Visual Paradigm Online offers a solution that transcends technical barriers. As businesses and individuals seek to harness the potential of explainer videos, this platform stands out as the ideal choice for bringing creativity to life, even for those stepping into the world of animation for the first time. Elevate your product conversations and business productivity with Visual Paradigm Online’s Animated Explainer – where simplicity meets innovation.

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