Sprint Review vs Sprint Retrospective

The sprint review is an informal meeting which the development team, the scrum master, the product ownerand the stakeholders will attend. The team gives a demo on the product and will determine what are finished and what aren’t. The purpose of the Sprint Review meeting is for the team to show the customers and stakeholders the work they have accomplished over the sprint and compare it to the commitment given at the beginning of the sprint.

Sprint Review vs Sprint Retrospective

Each sprint ends with a two-part sprint review meeting. Such a meeting starts with a customer review and demonstration and ends with the team retrospective. Both of these components occur on the last day of the sprint.

The Sprint Review focuses on the “inspect” and “adapt” of the increment (Potentially shippable), while the Sprint Retrospective give more focus on the “inspect” and “adapt” of the process of the sprint.

Sprint Increment Review

The Scrum teams will ask customers to review whether the work demonstrated (potentially shippable) meets the definition of done at this point, or sometimes, some customers may want time to use the application for some time prior to the acceptance made. The goal of the meeting is to review transparently and determine the status of the work implemented in the sprint:

  • has been done
  • has not been done
  • work that has been added
  • And work removed from the sprint

It offers the time to ask questions, make observations or provide feedback and suggestion, and have discussions about how to best move forward in the given current realities.

Duration of Sprint Review

A sprint review may last up to 4 hours in 4-week-sprints. The general rule is that the sprint review should take no more than one hour per week of sprint duration. The following table illustrates the rule.

Total Sprint DurationSprint Review Duration1 week1 hours2 week2 hours3 week3 hours4 week4 hours

Sprint Review Meeting Template

There are many ways for conducting a Sprint Review. The sprint review meeting agenda below outlines the activities within a typical Sprint Review meeting:

  1. Start — Sprint Review Meeting starts
  2. Welcome the Stakeholders — Product Owner welcomes the stakeholders to attend the review
  3. Present Review Agenda — Product Owner presents the agenda for the Sprint Review
  4. Present Product Increments — Development Team present the product demo that have been implemented in the Sprint
  5. Get Feedback — Product Owner asks the stakeholders for feedback regarding the product that have been delivered
  6. Present Product Backlog — Product Owner presents the top of the Product Backlog to stakeholder to get feedback for the upcoming Sprint(s) and solicit feedback from the stakeholders related to the backlog
  7. Meeting ended


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