The Daily Scrum meeting is time-boxed to 15 minutes regardless of the number of Team members.
- Hold the Daily Scrum in the same place at the same time every work day. The Daily Scrum is best held first thing in the day so that the first thing Team members do on arriving at work is think of what they did the day before and what they plan to do today.
- All Team members are required to attend. If for some reason a Team member can’t attend in person, the absent member must either attend by telephone or by having another Team member report on the absent member’s status.
- Team members must be prompt. The Scrum Master starts the meeting at the appointed time, regardless of who is present. Any members who are late pay $1 to the Scrum Master immediately.
- The Scrum Master begins the meeting by starting with the person immediately to his or her left and proceeding counterclockwise around the room until everyone has reported.
- — What have you done since the last Daily Scrum regarding this
project? - — What will you do between now and the next Daily Scrum meeting
regarding this project? - — What impedes you from performing your work as effectively as
possible? - Team members should not digress beyond answering these three questions into issues, designs, discussion of problems, or gossip. The Scrum Master is responsible for moving the reporting along briskly, from person to person.
- During the Daily Scrum, only one person talks at a time. That person is the one who is reporting his or her status. Everyone else listens.
There are no side conversations. - When a Team member reports something that is of interest to other Team members or needs the assistance of other Team members, any
Team member can immediately arrange for all interested parties to get together after the Daily Scrum to set up a meeting.
Chickens are not allowed to talk, make observations, make faces, or otherwise make their presence in the Daily Scrum meeting obtrusive. - Chickens stand on the periphery of the Team so as not to interfere with the meeting.
- If too many chickens attend the meeting, the Scrum Master can limit attendance so that the meeting can remain orderly and focused.
- Chickens are not allowed to talk with Team members after the meeting for clarification or to provide advice or instructions.
- Pigs or chickens who cannot or will not conform to the above rules can be excluded from the meeting (chickens) or removed from the Team (pigs).
Scrum Events Articles
- What are the Scrum Events?
- What are Scrum Ceremonies?
- What is Product Backlog Grooming?
- What are the 3 Important Questions in Daily Scrum?
- Scrum Sprint Cycle in 8 Steps
- What is a Sprint in Scrum?
- Heartbeat of Scrum — The Daily Standup
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