Agile User Story Mapping Tool

User story mapping provides a visually structured approach for scrum teams to manage product backlog.

The visual story map enables the arrangement of product backbone (User activities), user tasks, epics and user stories effectively into a manageable top-down structure, based on the nature, priority and level of sophistication of map items.

Agile User Story Mapping Tool — Visual Paradigm

The agile tool of Visual Paradigm is designed to maximize productivity and efficiency of scrum projects through agile story mapping.

  • When you drag an item, we help you move the entire branch and update the layout accordingly.
  • When you add an item into the story map, we re-arrange the other part of the map to ensure the correctness of content.
  • Several backlog schemes (i.e. 3 or 4 level map structure)are provided to support any scale of project.
  • It’s simply a scrum-friendly, intuitive agile software development tool.

Great features for effective product backlog management:

User activities, tasks and stories

Break-down a product backlog into manageable product backlog items. The standard 3-level structuring covers user activities, user tasks and user stories.

The Epics

The 4-level story map introduces an Epics tier in between user tasks and user stories, which is good for projects with higher complexity.

Release planning

User stories can be kept under releases compartments, which reflects a delivery schedule agreed upon by the team and stakeholder.

Advanced drag-and-drop

Elements in a story map can be re-arranged by dragging. And when you drag, the entire branch of elements will follow. Prioritization and re-arrangement of stories can be made intuitively and easily.

Inline editing

All elements can be renamed inline. You don’t need go through any windows or steps.

Click-to-add elements

To add a user story under a user task, or to add a sibling of user activity can both be done with a single click. The ad-hoc hovering button allows adding story map elements intuitively.

Visual Paradigm Agile Development Tool for Story Mapping

How to Create a User Story Map

How to Create a User Story Map

How to Perform Release Planning in User Story Map

How to Perform Release Planning in User Story Map
How to Use Tags in Categorizing User Stories
User Story Mapping — The Two Structures

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